Montag ist erst übermorgen | Young Art on Paper. Acquisitions of the Graphic Collection 1997-2012
Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 10 am to 8 pm, free entry Special opening hours during the long nights of museums 2012: 06.10.2012, 10 pm to 1 a
Welcome address
| Eva Blimlinger, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
| Sylvia Eisenburger-Kunz, Gesellschaft der Freunde der bildenden Künste
About the exhibition
| Monika Knofler, director of the Graphic Collection, Gunter Damisch, Professor for Graphic and printgraphic techniques
Opening speech
| Elmar Pichl, deputy director General of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Betsabeh Aghamiri, Sami Alajouri, Iris Andraschek, Anke Armandi (Müller), Miriam Bajtala, Angelika Bartl, Baruwa Abdul Sharif, Philippe Batka, Jack Bauer, Thomas Baumann, Christian Bazant-Hegemark, Isabel Becker, Norbert Becwar, Michael Blank, Almée Blaskovic, Udo Bohnenberger, Catrin Bolt, Michael Boring, Songül Boyraz, Sevdalina Chkoutova, Anemona Crisan, Adriana Czernin, Ramesch Daha, Paul DeFlorian, Regula Anna Dettwiler, Iris Dittler, Daniel Domig, Iris Inés Dostal, Beatrice Dreux, Sophie Dvorak, Pamela Ecker, Christian Egger, Barbara Eichhorn, Gregor Eldarb, Thomas Eller, Coelestine Engels, Manfred Erjautz, Norbert Fasching, Karine Fauchard, Lionel Favre, Richard Fleissner, Andreas Fogarasi, Hannes Franz, Georg Frauenschuh, Robert Freund, Ronald Fritz, Ursula Fuhs, Clemens Fürtler, Martin Gabriel + Micha Payer, Susanna Eva Gartmayer, Gerald Grestenberger, Michaela Ghisetti, Dorothee Golz, Markus Gottfried, Monika Grabuschnigg, Gunda Gruber, Mario Grubisic, Eva Lisa Grün, Markus Hafner (Renfah), Christian Hanner, Margit Hartnagel, Philipp Haselwanter, Bertram Maria Hasenauer, Roland Herbst, Antonia Hinterreitner, Valentin Hirsch, Regina Hofer, Christoph Holzeis, Moni K.Huber, Manfred Hubmann, Judith Huemer, Roland Icking, Sabine Jelinek, Miriam Elisabeth Jesacher, Martin Kaltner, Luisa Kasalicky, Adrienn Kiss, Manuel Hannes Knapp, Birgit Knoechl, Ronald Kodritsch, Nathalie Koger, Roland Kollnitz, Zenita Komad, Andrea Konrad, Irene Konrad, Susanne Krawagna, Eric Kressnig, Raoul Krischanitz, Robert Kummer, Lavinia Lanner, Georg Lebzelter, Tatjana Lecomte, Elanit Leder, Burghard Legenstein, Henriette Leinfellner, Ulrike Lienbacher, Hubert Lobnig, Michael Lukas, Lazar Stefanov Lyutakov, Christian Macketanz, Silke Maria Maier-Gamauf, Elisabeth Makovec, Raimund Märzinger, Michaela Math, Julia Sophie Maurer, Leopold Maurer, Christoph Mayer, Doris Mayer, Christa Mayrhofer, Nicole Miltner, Anna Magdalena Mitterer, Klaus Mosettig, Flora Neuwirth, Ritá Nowak, Nikolaus Oberthaler, Magdalena Ollén (Kovacic), Michael Part, Bettina Patermo, Philip Patkowitsch, Edith Payer, Elisabeth Pfanner, Barbara Philipp, Franz Pichler, Tobias Raphael Pils, Klaus Pobitzer, Peter Pommerer, Mathias Pöschl, Ingrid Veronika Pröller, Czeslavia Pruscha, Roland Rauschmeier (Seidel), Jörg Reissner, Werner Reiterer, Mischa Reska, Tina Ribarits, Almut Rink, Claudia Ripka, Marusa Sagadin, Georg Salner, Zekerya Saribatur, Nicole Beatrice Schatt, Isabella Schmidlehner, Johann Schmied, Michael Schneider, Susanne Schneider, Martin Schnur, Anna Schreger, Anneliese Schrenk, Josef Schwaiger, Christian Josef Schwarzwald, Fabian Seiz, Deborah Sengl, Hannes Simmerl Burgis, Loretta Stats, Clemens Martin Stecher, Veronik Steiner, Gisela Stiegler, Jutta Strohmaier, Barbara Ruth-Maria Sturm, Gerold Tagwerker, Antoine Turillon, Christoph Urwalek, Simon Vith, Catharina Vopava, Maja Vukoje, Eva Wagner, Vanesa Wallet (Hardi), Elisabeth Wedenig, Christian Weigl, Regina Weiss, Gernot Wieland, Gerlind Zeilner, Sula Zimmerberger
The extensive holdings of the Graphic Collection with its approximately 40,000 drawings, 100,000 prints, and 20,000 photographs mirrors the teaching activities of Vienna's Academy of Fine Arts throughout more than three hundred years. Thanks to the generous support granted by the Gesellschaft der Freunde der bildenden Künste, about 700 contemporary works by 170 artists could be added to the Graphic Collection since 1997. The acquisition funds made available each year are earmarked for young Austrian art and particularly for works by graduates from the Academy.
It is the wide variety of artistic means of expression and methods that makes the body of recent acquisitions so fascinating. Works on paper such as hand drawings, prints, photographs, and works based on new technologies document the enormous development in these fields within the last fifteen years and testify to the graduates' careers in the sphere of art.
The new acquisitions are presented to the public in the form of a selection for the first time.